At Maple we offer a variety of services and programs to meet the needs of our patients. In addition to the care that you receive from your family doctor, Maple also has other health care providers available to support your needs. These additional programs and services are listed below and are often provided right in your doctor’s office. These programs support your health and assist in preventing future disease.
For group program descriptions and dates choose Group Classes or Calendar of Programs below.
We offer a variety of educational services and support programs at Maple. These programs support your health and assist in preventing future disease.
Maple Diabetes
Maple Diabetes Prevention and Education Centre is available to help those at risk for diabetes and living with diabetes.
Group Classes
We care about your health and we offer many group classes to help keep you healthy. Group classes are free and are available to patients of Maple.
Ontario Telemedicine Network
Also known as OTN, the Telemedicine Network uses two-way videoconferencing to provide care for patients in hundreds of health care locations across Ontario.
Ours is a team approach that brings together family doctors with other health care providers in order to coordinate the best possible care for patients.
Calendar of Programs
Check our events calendar to discover when, where, and how often our programs are running. Be sure to sign up soon, as space is limited.