before you travel

Prepare for your health care needs before you travel. 

Health Canada offers suggestions for a Travel Health Kit. 

Think about:  Immunization, Medication, and Health Insurance.



The Public Health Agency of Canada has immunization recommendations for travellers on their Travel Health website.

If you are unsure of your immunization needs, please visit:
KFL&A Public Health: Travel Immunizations



Health Canada's Travelling with Medications provides a comprehensive list of things to consider.  It is important to prepare your medications when planning travel. Discuss the use of medications with your health care provider well in advance of your departure and follow the directions for use carefully, including dosage and when to seek medical care. Bring more than enough medication to last your entire trip.  If you will need repeats from your doctor please schedule your appointment 3-4 weeks before travel. Also, pharmacies usually require several business days to order in large quantities of medications required for travel. Do not assume the pharmacy will have enough supply to fill your full order without advance notice.

When bringing prescription medication with you into another country, remember:

  • bring a note from your health care provider listing your medications
  • bring a copy of your original prescription with both the generic and trade names
  • the name on your prescription and medication label should match the name on your boarding pass

Leave all prescription and non-prescription medications in their original, labelled containers. Do not try to save luggage space by combining medications into a single container.

Keep your medication and documentation in your carry-on luggage.

Be prepared in case your medication is lost or stolen

  • bring more than enough medication to last your entire trip, and some extra in case of an unexpected delay
  • bring a copy of your original prescription with both the generic and trade names
  • do not buy medication outside Canada unless you have been advised to do so by a health care professional.


Health Insurance

If you are a resident of Ontario and you are insured under OHIP, you are entitled to very limited funding for a certain range of medical services when you are travelling outside of Canada. You can learn more about Travelling Outside Canada on the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care website.

Ontario residents are encouraged to purchase the appropriate insurance for emergency healthcare when travelling outside Canada.