Relaxation Techniques

When we are going through stressful times, we may not focus time or energy on caring for our body’s needs including good nutrition, adequate sleep, and exercise.  Relaxation training techniques are methods that can help you relax to attain a state of increased calmness and reduce stress and anxiety.  Here are three common relaxation techniques:


♦  Calm Breathing

Breathing is a technique that can miraculously calm and soothe your body. Although you already know how to breathe or think it may not work. It’s been found to be an effective tool for calming your body. Give it a try.

♦  Visualization

Imagining yourself in a safe place (real - walking on a beach in Florida or imaginary -floating on a cloud). As you imagine this scene you will be asked to evoke the five senses: sight, touch, taste, smell and sound.

♦  Progressive Muscle Relaxation

We can relax our bodies by bringing attention to parts of our bodies -tensing and releasing from head to toe. If you have a prior injury - please do not tense these parts - rather relax them.   Remember relaxation training takes practice and time. 



Apps that are FREE:

fas fa-mobile-alt
  •  Breathe2Relax
  •  MindShift
  •  Virtual Hope Box

  •  Calm
  •  Oak - Meditation & Breathing






Many companies in our community are putting together resources to be healthy while remaining at home and social distancing.  The following links are to free online videos:


Samatva Yoga:  This Kingston based yoga studio is providing free online yoga classes.

Studio 330 Holistic Yoga Centre The Kingston based yoga studio os provind free online yoga classes.

Yoga with Adriene Hundreds of free yoga classes, all range of experience and abilities.

Omega Centre New York State - online articles, meditations, and yoga for managing anxiety and stress.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation:  For Management of Anxiety and Stress (Long Version WITH Music), 20 minutes. 

Anxiety Canada:  Online resource providing self-help information for anxiety and uncertainty.

Good Sleep Strategies

Sleep strategies start with setting a daily wake time.  From here we can work on our sleep habits.  Are we doing things that interfere with sleep?  For example, if you are having coffee in the evening, then you have caffeine in your body when you are trying to fall asleep.  These do not go together.  The following handout has a list of sleep hygiene tips that, if you follow, will improve your ability to fall asleep and to stay asleep. 


 Other Resources  





Do you struggle with food cravings or emotional eating?

The Mindful Eating program can help you:

* Listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues
* Understand and manage food cravings
* Learn new strategies to address emotional eating

This 6-week group program starts on Tuesday, February 4th